The aspect I'd say the most important and influential was the Philosophers and the enlightened movement they so progressed. People like John Locke and Voltaire who believed in Individual Liberty, blazing the trail for freedom and equality; things our nation relies on today. My favorite quote though is perhaps from Scottish philosopher David Hume who said, "No human can know anything perfectly, so no human has the right to judge another." To me that is such a powerful and resounding statement. We have no right no judge one another, no right, absolutely none. What a statement in such a time period! David Hume never even lived to see the French Revolution. Such claims, such bold thoughts, so early in the 18th century. In a time where arrogance was seemingly a attribute to status this is really something to be heard. And not only is it important then but it is just as important now.
In today's society judgment is not something we necessarily wish upon others, but it is most certainly something we struggle with. It is engrained in our culture and our media. We are branded by it as children, molded by it throughout our youth and into adulthood. And all it does is destroy. It separates, it dictates, it causes pain. It is still a problem we find in America and in the World. It is a problem we face in our everyday lives, and yet so much has changed for the good since David Hume. His quote of love and equality for all people is a message that still resonates and is repeated today. It is a message that changed the way the World thinks; the way we think. So much progress has been made and yet so much more needs to be done. David Hume's ideas of kindness and empathy our extraordinarily important, that's why they've lasted so long.
This is only one aspect of this great time period, a time period that if was inexistent would undoubtedly alter the lives of billions in the future. It was people like David Hume who made a nation and a world a better place. And that is what I found fascinating on the subject of Enlightenment Ideals.