Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Surfer Girl.


     I chose to write about "Surfer Girl" by the Beach boys because it not only demonstrates AABA form but examples of cadences.
     To really hear the 32 AABA form I have to advice you to completely disregard the entire intro. though it's an excellent introduction to the song it is not actually part of the form of the song. The song really "starts" when we hear the Beach Boys with "Little surfer, little one." This phrase (and the start of the first A) is actually a Half Cadence, the chord progression ends on the dominant, and the melody ends on re.
     The next phrase also leaves some tension in the air and we don't reach the PAC until the very end phrase with the question "Do you love love me, do you surfer girl?" With the 6/8 one-six-four-five classic progression the cadences though tense give a kind of lifting lullaby feeling, until finally it resolves with the end of the verse.
     Now is where the A section repeats itself again (with different lyrics but still the A section). Then the B section cues for the chorus. Once we return back to the A the key of the song actually changes making you ears pick up and really become interested in the song again.
     This song has a lot going for it and though I don't listen to the Beach Boys often I have to respect Brian Wilson and the rest of them for creating some amazing music. They took two very used forms, the AABA and the I-VI-IV-V and make them into something very unique and ultimately memorable to the test of time. The vocals in this song are amazing and add a really understated but greatly appreciated layer to this awesome song.

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